Everyday, at each of our centers, we provide free diapers to families who need them. Often, these diapers are distributed to those in our Every Family program, and we get to see them grow and thrive in their parenting journey as they come in month after month. A family participating in our Every Family program can receive 720 diapers per year, all at no cost to them.

The need for diapers can be overwhelming. One in three families need help to diaper their babies. For this reason, we are proud to have spent May partnering with the World’s Largest Diaper Drive. By collecting diapers, we get to be a part of keeping children clean, dry, and healthy, and helping to alleviate one more worry from the minds of parents.

We are excited to share that we were able to collect an amazing 93,189 diapers for families in need. Additionally, we are thankful to KTIS who promoted the drive and collected 73,115 diapers that will be equally distributed to each of the organizations in Minnesota that participated in the drive.

We would like to thank Woodbury Lutheran Church and Grace Church for being our official drop-off sites! Additionally, many other churches generously collected diapers for the drive, including Twin Cities Bible Church, Cornerstone Christian Church, Hope Church, Valley Free Church, Calvary Memorial Church, and Cedar Valley Church. These diapers make a world of difference to those who struggle to afford purchasing diapers. Thank you for your care and investment in these families.