
World’s Largest Diaper Drive Update 2024

Everyday, at each of our centers, we provide free diapers to families who need them. Often, these diapers are distributed to those in our Every Family program, and we get to see them grow and thrive in their parenting journey

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Sanctity of Human Life Month 2024 Recap

Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) Sunday is a day that churches across the nation spend celebrating the precious value of human life. This year, SOHL Sunday was observed on January 21, 2024, but New Life devoted the entire month to

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Help Support Generational Change

Dear Friends, I can hardly believe we are wrapping up our 50th year at New Life! It is humbling to recognize that there are hundreds of thousands of lives that have been personally touched by the work of New Life

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50th Anniversary Fundraising Gala

Wow! What an amazing time we had at our 50th Anniversary Gala with Tim Tebow! It was encouraging to have our Rochester and Twin Cities donors all together for one unified night celebrating all that God has done. Watch this

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Tammy Kocher on Capitol Hill

This Tuesday, our Executive Director Tammy Kocher had the opportunity to testify before a House Judiciary Subcommittee in Washington D.C. At this hearing, she shared testimony about the threats and violence against life-affirming organizations like ours that has drastically increased

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Why We Do What We Do

Dear Faithful Friend of New Life, There is no doubt that the past year, even this month, has brought more obstacles to our work. As we continue to repair our building from the vandalism last week, I am holding fast

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Vandalism at First Care

Our First Care center in the Phillips community of Minneapolis was targeted by pro-abortion activists and badly vandalized last night. They broke windows and sprayed graffiti on the walls threatening, “If abortions arn’t safe neither r u.”  This is the most recent

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Our Response to the New Abortion Law

Today, our Governor signed a bill into effect that codified the right to abortion in Minnesota through birth, for any reason. Although abortion has already been legal in Minnesota for decades, this ruling solidifies that our state has become a

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Give Life This Christmas

Dear Friends, I can hardly believe we’re already approaching Christmas and turning the page on another year! In the midst of this busy season, what I want most is to say THANK YOU. Because of your faithful support, we have

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Abortion has been the law of the land in the United States for nearly 50 years. Today, the Supreme Court of The United States just released it’s ruling to overturn Roe v Wade and send the issue of abortion back

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About New Life Family Services

For more than 50 years, New Life Family Services has been serving Minnesota families as one of the most comprehensive, faith-based non-profit organizations of its kind. We are committed to providing professional, life-affirming care through no-cost pregnancy, parenting, and post-abortion services, as well as licensed adoption services.

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