Why Phillips Neighborhood?
Each year, there are nearly 10,000 abortions in MN. More than one third of MN women having abortions reside in Hennepin County. In addition, nearly 60% of the women seeking abortion in Minnesota already have children. Families are in need and God is calling us to grow.
Nearly 44% of people living in the Phillips community live below the poverty line. New Life Family Services’ program, First Care Pregnancy Center, is in a unique position to be able to fill the gap that exists between the needs of the Phillips community and the lack of life-affirming services. With comprehensive parenting, pregnancy, and family support, we can provide real hope and stability to families in the urban core of our city and make a difference for life.
Our Plan
Building permits are in hand, and the ground has been broken! (Read more about our Groundbreaking Ceremony). This major step is the direct result of years of prayer, generous support, and God’s overall faithfulness to our mission. This is God’s heart for the Phillips neighborhood in South Minneapolis.
Our location (2015 Chicago Avenue) is near the intersection of Chicago Avenue and Franklin Avenue– the busiest bus stop in the state of Minnesota! New Life’s upcoming 12,600 sq. foot building will house our largest First Care Pregnancy Center as well as a full-service medical clinic (Community Care Clinics of Minnesota) providing family appointments and prenatal care to the community. There will be additional space available to partner with like-minded ministries, helping ensure better collaboration and continuity for our clients.
Our programs will help clients navigate the resources available to them, bring them to a place of stability, and provide their children with a strong foundation. We believe that our holistic approach will lead to reduced abortions and thriving families.
How You Can Help
The call to protect life is too large for one person or organization to do alone. We need your help to make this exciting vision a reality. Thousands of families struggling to make ends meet will be met with love and offered tangible resources, hope, and saving grace that ultimately transform lives.
We want to ensure we are not only good stewards of the resources He has given us, but are also fulfilling this Kingdom mission by continuing to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in this community. While we have raised nearly all of the cost of the new building, to ensure sustainability of our new Phillips center, our board has required
we raise two years of operating expenses up front (approximately $567K). At New Life, the cost of supporting one woman throughout her entire pregnancy with every service we provide is $550 ($46/month). Raising the remaining operating expenses will ensure we are able to fully support the first 1,031 clients who walk through our doors in this new location.
We are so close to being fully funded, but still need help from you, our faithful supporters. Please consider helping us reach the finish line by funding one (or more) of the first 1,031 clients who will walk through our doors in Phillips.
Will you join us in going where God has called us,
bringing New Life to a new neighborhood?
Learn more about the New Life, New Neighborhood Project by contacting Tammy Kocher, Executive Director, at tammy@nlfs.org or (612) 746-5664.