Steve and Beth Pinewski, photo courtesy of Alison Lea Photography

Thank you for your interest in joining New Life Family Services as a Life Sustainer.

Life Sustainers support the ministry of New Life Family Services through regular and faithful giving to help sustain and grow our efforts throughout the year. Our Life Sustainers commit to a monthly gift of $50 or more.

How will my gifts be used?LifeSustainersLogo_Navy

As a Life Sustainer, your gifts will be used to

  • Provide free pregnancy-related services including free pregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds, and options counseling to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies.
  • Educate, support, and counsel women and men through their adoption or parenting decision
  • Support women and men seeking healing from a past abortion through our Conquerors post-abortion program
  • Provide opportunities for clients to hear the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

 What will I receive in return?

As a Life Sustainer, know that your gifts are instrumental in changing hearts and saving lives every day in our pregnancy centers. As a thank-you for partnering with us, you will receive the following:

  • Personal, detailed updates from the Executive Director
  • Two complimentary tickets to our annual Life Sustainers event
  • Early access tickets for all New Life events

To Become a Life Sustainer, make your first monthly gift online or contact Blake Meisenheimer, VP of Advancement, at or (612) 746-5662.

Faithful Partners

At New Life, we are so blessed by thousands of people who believe in our mission to honor the sanctity of life by assisting our clients in life-affirming decisions with the love and compassion of Christ and share with us their time, talent, and treasure. Without the collective, faithful and generous support of our donors we couldn’t come alongside families in their time of greatest need.

Two of our faithful donors, Steve and Beth Pinewski (pictured above) believe deeply in the work that we are doing at New Life and have creatively found ways to come alongside and support us. Steve shared his involvement with New Life,

We were owners of a condemned house in Anoka. Little did I know what God had in store for us. We tore down the house and built a small office building for New Life. We called it the Molly Professional Building and it was our desire and privilege to give the downstairs space to New Life free of charge as we rented the upper level. Over the years, God used that little building to save us financially multiple times.”

“When New Life closed their Anoka office in 2013, we fully trusted that God had a plan. New Life helped connect us to another pregnancy center who is now utilizing the space in the same manner. Within the past 5 years, I’ve had the privilege of helping construct new office spaces for New Life’s St. Paul, Richfield, and University centers. I know that God blesses these projects. You can’t out-give God.”