
As an organization, we have been diligently working to find new and creative ways to ensure the safety of our clients and staff while still providing the critical services that we know our community needs. For the past two weeks, we have limited many of our services in order to take the time to acquire the personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks, gloves, and thermometers, and put the appropriate safety protocols in place regarding how to use them. With the guidance of our medical team, we have now opened our core services back up and are serving the most vulnerable.
Services currently offered:
  • Pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and client care appointments are available, prioritizing those with the greatest needs. We are continuing to double-screen clients before their appointment for health and risk concerns, and both clients and staff will be required to wear appropriate PPE.
  • We are still providing necessary diapers, wipes and needed baby items to our clients with a “touch free” protocol, and staff are able to meet virtually with clients for their Every Family parenting appointments.
  • Adoption services are continuing, with phone or video appointments being utilized as much as possible.
  • Our Conquerors post-abortion groups have been moved to a virtual platform, with two groups currently in process and a third group about to start.
Even though these have been challenging times, I wanted to share two quick stories with you from Easter weekend.

Kia, one of our long-time clients called because she had just moved into a new home. Her utilities were shut off, and she lost an entire freezer full of food for her and her eight children. Kia was desperate and didn’t know what to do. One of our supporters had reached out earlier in the day to see if there was anything she could do to help. The next day, this supporter met our social worker at our office with bags full of food, including Easter candy and toilet paper, and a Walmart gift card. Our social worker was able to drop it off at Kia’s home on Good Friday. She was overwhelmed and thankful.

Amy was referred to us as she was about to deliver her baby, and she wanted to make an adoption plan. Our social worker was able to connect with her, and she looked at families on our website. She delivered her baby girl on Easter Sunday. We were able to schedule Zoom calls with three families she wanted to “meet” and she chose a family from those calls. The baby was able to go home from the hospital with the family. When Amy was processing with our social worker, she stated “This has been an unsettling experience up until now, because I didn’t know where my baby girl was going to go. Once I met the family, it was clear to me that this is where she belonged, and I have peace about it.”

Praise God for these beautiful stories of hope. Our main goal through this pandemic is to continue serving the most vulnerable with life-affirming services, and we are grateful to you for helping make this happen.
Like many non-profits, we have seen a decrease in donations. If you are able, will you please consider giving a gift today to ensure that we are able to continue meeting the needs of those we serve?
We are so grateful for each of you. We would not be here without you, and we realize the great impact you have on our ability to fulfill our mission. God is good, and we continue to trust and believe that he is using this specific season for his great glory and ultimate purpose.
In Christ,



Tammy Kocher,
Executive Director