In the fall of 2010, Kristin and Chris Negley had just celebrated their 7th anniversary and were hoping to expand their family, but struggled to understand how or when that would happen.
“We desired to expand our family, but had faith that it was in Gods timing. At times this was easier than others, whether individually or as a couple-we at times struggled to understand the plan for our family,” said Kristin.
Exploring their options, Kristin and Chris decided to attend an adoption informational session about adoption at New Life. However, just a few months later, they discovered that Kristin was nearly three months pregnant.
“We were beyond thrilled to listen to our baby’s heartbeat, as we had been told we couldn’t get pregnant!” shared Chris.
However this excitement was tempered by news that Chris’ father’s earthly life would soon come to an end. “My Dad was excited about the pregnancy, but we both knew he wouldn’t get to see his latest grand baby on earth.”
It was just a few weeks later during a prenatal checkup that Kristin and Chris found out they were no longer pregnant.
“We were crushed.” said Chris. “It was a month later my Father passed and joined our baby. It was a tough time in life, but we trusted God.”
“We were crushed to find out we were no longer pregnant. It was a tough time in life, but we trusted God.”
After healing and grieving from their losses, the Negleys decided to continue their adoption journey and were approved to be added to the waiting pool of families in April of 2012. “It was exciting, yet scary too!” shared Kristin.

Baby Izak
Knowing it could be a long wait, the Negleys were very surprised to receive a message from New Life the very next month, about a baby boy, Izak, who had been born just 6 days earlier.
“We were cautiously hopeful as we knew we only met a couple of the criteria the birth mother was looking for. We prayed about the situation with our family that weekend, but didn’t hear anything for several days and assumed the birth mother had selected another family,” said Chris. “But a few days later, we got a call from New Life telling us that the birth mother had chosen us to be Izak’s parents. We had a hard time grasping what was happening and containing our excitement. During my lunch that day, I kept looking over the info we had on Izak and I began to fall in love. Just four days later, we took Izak home and our community showered us with everything we needed for him.”
“We were cautiously hopeful as we knew we only met a couple of the criteria the birth mother was looking for.
While the birth mother wanted some anonymity in the relationship with Chris and Kristin, she did agree to meet with the Negleys about one month after Izak was born.
Chris described meeting the birth mother, “Meeting her was an experience I will likely never forget. It was a time where I felt inadequate to even speak, and just wanted to absorb everything that was shared. She was full of emotion and love, grief and happiness, and reaching depths of emotions while fully respectful to everyone involved. She showed maturity beyond her age. The fact our birth mom could see below the surface and knew we would be great parents is so very humbling.”
“The fact our birth mom could see below the surface and knew we would be great parents is so very humbling.”
The Negleys send regular updates to the birth mother with photos of Izak. “Although we don’t often hear from her, we know she receives the updates and are open to more contact in the future.”
Today Izak is a 3 and a half years old, healthy and excited about Thomas the train, and reading. Kris has continued her nursing career. And Chris took on the stay at home parent role.
“Izak helps me have purpose in teaching him how to make and clean up messes, cook, and explore and understand this world we live in. He is a joy.” said Chris.
“Through adoption, we were given a beautiful gift by our Savior through the hands of a beautiful young woman who chose us in spite of our shortcomings, to raise and nurture her baby. Through the adoption journey, I have never felt more humbled and more in tune with Gods love for us,” said Kristin.