November is recognized as National Adoption Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness about adoption. At New Life, we celebrate the many birth parents, adoptive families, and children who have been touched by New Life’s adoption services. Since 1980, New Life has been providing licensed comprehensive adoption services to both birth parents and adoptive families. Read more about our adoption services here.
Adoption Stories
New Life believes in the power of a story to change and inspire people. We continue to be amazed by the bravery, selflessness, unconditional love, acceptance, and faith we see in the adoption stories of those who choose to work with us in their adoption journey. Below are three stories of birth parents who made the difficult yet loving decision to place their child for adoption. We know their stories will inspire you!
Meet Meghan
Meghan came to New Life during the middle of her pregnancy, unsure how she would be able to provide for a second child. Wanting to make the best choice for both herself and her daughter, Meghan made the decision to place her daughter for adoption with one of our waiting families. Through her faith, Megan found the strength to follow through with her plan for adoption and now has an open adoption with the adoptive family.
Meghan’s Story: The loving choice of adoption from New Life Family Services on Vimeo.
Meet Nick
As a teenager, Nick was devastated to learn he was father in an unplanned pregnancy situation. Nick and the birth mother received counsel at one of our centers and made an adoption plan for their son. Now, years later, Nick is able to see how God used this situation for His glory and feels blessed to have been a part of the process in seeing the adoptive family’s dreams for a child fulfilled.
Nick’s Story: The Gift of Adoption from New Life Family Services on Vimeo.
Meet Brittany & Michael
This young couple discovered they were pregnant in their final year of high school. After dealing with the shock of being pregnant, Brittany and Michael met regularly with one of our Social Workers to talk through their pregnancy options. While wanting to raise their child together, their love and desire for their daughter to have things they couldn’t provide at the time, led them to choose adoption. In sharing their adoption story with others, Brittany received scholarships to help support her education. Today, both Brittany & Michael are in college, pursuing degrees and focusing on their future.
Brittany & Michael’s Adoption Story from New Life Family Services on Vimeo.
Show Us How You Celebrate
How has adoption touched you and your family? We would love to see your photos (both silly and sweet) and hear your stories. Your adoption story (whether you’re a birth parent, adoptee or adoptive family) might be the encouragement or insight another birth parent, adoptee or family needs. Please email your photos and adoption story to adoption@nlfs.org or share them on our Facebook page.