New Life Family Services hosted its 18th Annual Birth Mother Dinner on
Friday, May 11th. The theme for this year’s event was “Courageous Love: Then, Now, and Forever.”

Louise pictured with her daughter, Christina
Guest Speakers, Christina Harmon and her birth mother, Louise Doncaster, shared their story of adoption and reunification. Louise was a single parent when she placed her daughter for adoption as an infant over 20 years ago and trusted she was making the right decision. When Christina was sixteen years old, she reached out to Louise and they began an open relationship.
“This relationship has healed my heart in ways that only a birth mom can understand. “
Louise encouraged the birth moms in attendance to share their own adoption stories in order to bring hope and encouragement to others. “Things turned out even better than I had envisioned. She’s such a caring young lady with a heart for the Lord and a mission in life for foster children along with being a great mother and wife.”

Louise & Christina sharing their story of reunification
When asked about her experience as an adoptee, Christina shared,
“It has always meant that I am loved by multiple parents.
I was home from Fargo and staying at my parents’ house. As I was leaving to drive over to Louise’s, my mom popped her head out of the door and told me to be safe and text me when I got there. When I left Louise’s place, she said the exact same thing! It was so evident in that moment how I am so blessed to have double the kind of love that most people only get from one person – their mom.”

Director of Adoption, Jennifer Patrick
New Life’s Director of Adoption, Jennifer Patrick, shared, “For birth mothers, this event might be the only time they are honored and recognized for being a mother. It takes a lot of strength to make the decision to place for adoption, but also to continue to figure out where it fits in your life. It is often misunderstood, so the power of this event is for these birth mothers to be in a room with other people who truly understand the range of emotions involved in an adoption decision and can relate to their experience.”
During the Birth Mother Dinner, time was given for birth mothers and their guests to reflect on their own personal adoption journey and the growth they have experienced because of adoption.
Former Chair of New Life’s Board of Directors and Emcee, Brian Hubbard
One birth mom in attendance agreed, “I really like the opportunity this event provides to connect with other birth moms. It reminds me that I’m not alone in my experience when people share similar stories.”
Brian Hubbard, who was this year’s Birth Mother Dinner emcee, shared his own experience as an adoptive father of three children. He expressed his love and appreciation for the birth mothers in his own life and encouraged the women in attendance to be proud of their courageous decisions for their children.
“Birth moms are some of the most selfless loving women I know and it’s a privilege to honor them in this way.”
New Life Family Services’ Birth Mother Dinner is held every year on the Friday before Mother’s Day. All Birth Mothers, regardless of the agency they placed with, are invited to attend. Please join us for our 19th annual Birth Mother Dinner May 2019.