STORY 32/50: New Life Family Services, as its name implies, gave me a chance at life.
To really tell this story, and to explain how my life was changed, I need to start with a young woman. This woman had just found out she was pregnant and was seriously considering abortion. When she went to New Life’s pregnancy center, they helped her to choose life.
I was that woman’s unborn child, and months later, I was given the life that New Life (and God Himself) gave me a chance at. A day after I was born, Mike and Lynn became my parents through their adoption program.
Because of New Life, I was not only given the opportunity to live, but I was also able to be adopted into a loving family who gave me their whole hearts, and more.
I don’t know for sure what would have happened if my biological mother hadn’t gone to the pregnancy center; I don’t know what would have happened if I wasn’t adopted at a day old; but I do know that it was God’s plan that my story happened the way it did. It was God’s plan that New Life was instrumental in my story.
And twenty-plus years later, they are still a paramount part of my life. Because of their impact, I am proud to say that this fall, I will be continuing my education at Liberty University to pursue my Bachelor of Social Work degree, and I plan to become an adoption-specialized social worker. I want to make the same difference in other’s lives that a New Life social worker made in mine.
It’s really a full circle moment for me; paying forward the kindness and hope that was paid towards me, before and after I was born; paying forward the love of Christ, who has been there with me every step of the way; and fulfilling the life purpose that God set in motion for me years ago.