Clients from our 2024 photoshoot
Dear Friends,
The season of advent is an invitation for us to remember the story of Christ. We retell it over and over, sharing it at church, with our families, and our children. The story of Jesus’ birth is humbling. He is a baby sleeping in a manger; His mother cradles, rocks, and carries Him. He is reliant on others for food, protection, and shelter. Eventually though, He carries us, our shame, sin, and disobedience, and offers complete forgiveness and hope to those who put their trust in Him. Even in that manger, He is both helpless baby and the Savior of the world.
This story reminds us of Christ’s faithfulness, and we are meant to be moved to be faithful to Him in response. It is both a celebration and a call to action. During 2024, we bore witness to the faithfulness of God in our clinics:
- A young woman who took the first abortion pill was able to begin the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol and is now enrolled in our Every Family program and prenatal classes as she prepares to give birth to her baby.
- When a woman who was undecided in her pregnancy due to a lack of partner support saw her baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound screen, she confidently declared, “If he is going to make me choose him or the baby, I am choosing MY baby.”
- A client who came in for STI testing shared that he “encountered Jesus” after the staff at his appointment had a vulnerable conversation with him about his life choices, faith, and God. He shared he is now an active Christian, committed to remaining celibate until marriage.
- A woman pregnant after an affair was able to see past the shame convincing her that she needed to have an abortion, and ultimately chose life for her child.
Jesus has carried these clients, allowing life and hope to grow where it once did not seem possible.
As Mary and Joseph prepared for Jesus’ birth, they had faith in the story they were a part of because a promise for the future was given to them. This is also what we ask of our clients. To take a step of faith toward an uncertain future, trusting that God has a plan.
At New Life, we also live in this faith as we continue to pursue this work, saying yes to a larger budget, a huge building project, and so much more. We are trusting that God will provide for the mission He has tasked us with.
Will you take the same step of faith with us by financially investing in these women, their families, and their futures? We are so grateful for your partnership!
With gratitude,

Tammy Kocher, Executive Director