On October 26th in Rochester, and October 27th in the Twin Cities, more than 1,000 friends gathered to hear about the work God is doing through New Life. From the incredible client testimonies and impacting message from keynote, David Bereit, the night was extraordinary. Thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors, $367,288 was raised for life!

Keynote Speaker

The keynote speaker for the evening was David Bereit, who shared his passion for protecting life through his time at 40 Days for Life. David shared how his passion became action when he saw how personal and widespread the pain of abortion was. He further expressed his thoughts about the uniqueness of New Life evident by the number of clients we are serving, the comprehensive care we are giving to clients, and the fact we are licensed as an adoption agency, which only a few other pregnancy centers across the nation can claim. His inspiring message challenged the guests to take action and recognize the responsibility the church and individuals have to protect women and children from the injustice of abortion.

Client Stories

We also heard from several clients who had been impacted by New Life. Each of their stories was unique and beautiful. We heard from women who found the courage to parent, birth mothers who bravely chose to place their children for adoption, a birth grandmother who faithfully supported her daughter through the adoption process, and women who courageously found healing from their abortion experiences. Each of these brave women shared how God led them to where they are today.

We also heard from our volunteer sonagrapher, Sue, and the impact her service has had on generations. Watch her story below:


Exciting Announcement

To meet the significant needs of the women, men and families in Hennepin County, Executive Director, Tammy Kocher, shared New Life’s exciting plans to open a new office in the Phillips community of Minneapolis.

This community has been on our heart for five years. There have been challenges along the way, as well as tremendous growth. In the last 5 years we relocated 3 of our 4 offices, added STD testing and treatment, and grew both our clients and our staff. We grew so fast that it took some time to catch up financially before we could move forward with this part of the plan. But I am so excited to tell you that now is the time! The Lord has opened the door, and we are walking through it in faith!

Learn more about this project and how to get involved here.

God has been incredibly faithful to New Life Family Services throughout the years. From the overwhelming generosity of its donors to the love and care shown to each client who walks through First Care’s doors, God has been involved in each step of New Life’s mission.